7 Minute Miles

Minnesota Historia ✅

The Star Tribune had a story today about this YouTube series by PBS North (the former WDSE-WRPT) hosted by UMD alumni Hailey Eidenschink (who gives me strong Megan Steil vibes). Season one has six short episodes (under ten minutes each), while the new season will have eight (five are online now).

With a heavy focus on the Northland, but I found all of them to be super fun to watch. From agates to shipwrecks, there are lots of great topics covered. I found it difficult to track them on YouTube, so here are direct links to all of the current episodes:

I will update this post as the others are released…

Nicely done, History Nerd!

Originally published by DK on June 6, 2023 at 3:00 pm in History, Mini Posts, Television, Travel

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