7 Minute Miles

Summer 2024 Brain Dump

It’s been about six months since the last one, so let’s jump right in:

  • Super fun to have a MINI again, which is a good thing because driving anywhere in the Twin Cities (at pretty much any time) seems to be taking about twice as long this summer.
  • My state parks license plate has been a great purchase and I highly recommend them. My associated quest is up to seven parks so far and it was a big reason I decided to sign up for the Afton Trail Race.
  • Our bird buddies are now eating all the seed daily (see “the before” pic above). Here is the best video so far of a mom feeding her baby.
  • Our patio also has an active hummingbird feeder and will get a heated bird bath and suet holder soon. Along with our By the Yard furniture, it’s probably my favorite part of the (not so new anymore) house.
  • Clown fries are at the top of my all-time favorite list now.
  • That said, I am trying to get back to being more active (so I can eat more clown fries, natch).
  • Waiting to see if my old Apple Watch Series 5 battery lasts until the new models come out. Not sure yet if I will want a Series 10 or move up to the Ultra line.
  • About half way through listening to the Apple Music Top 100 Albums list. A fair amount of stuff I’ve never heard before. Working on a DK 100 list.
  • Mainly been using my ancient Sony Studio headphones for this task, but my savings account to purchase the second edition of the AirPods Max has more than enough in it when they get released (hopefully) later this year.
  • Anybody know the story behind Seated, a Sofar artist service?
  • Looking forward to Las Vegas and New England visits later this year.
  • Put me officially on record as wanting nothing to do with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Web3 and most flavors of “AI” from now until the Silicon Valley bros burn up the planet.
  • Nice to be back in the sports and entertainment industry – FOMO averted!

Looking forward to a (relatively) calm July…

Originally published by DK on June 26, 2024 at 7:48 pm in Cars, Housekeeping, Mini Posts, Personal

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