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Afton Trail Run Flashback

Pic posted July 16, 2024

Thanks for the great shots Mike Wheeler (and thanks again to all the organizers and volunteers)

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Link: 2024 Afton Trail Run Recap ❀️

Linked July 15, 2024

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Taste the Wiley Difference

Pic posted July 9, 2024

Thanks to CK for tracking this down online (nobody in town seems to carry it – been looking since they handed them out at Get in Gear)

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🫑 The day after race update

Posted July 7, 2024

For the first time in forever, slept in until 11:40. Sore (in a good way) – wonder how the 80-year-old is feeling today…

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2024 Afton Trail Run 25K βœ…

Pic posted July 6, 2024

Honestly can’t believe I did that loop *twice* in 2016
2024 results: 4:21:13 (16:49 Minute Miles)

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🫑 At least they stopped saying commiserations

Pic posted June 26, 2024

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ NOT THIS TIME πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

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🫑 See you soon, Afton

Pic posted June 24, 2024

25KM (15.5 miles)
Net elevation change: 4,670 FT

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🫑 Congrats to all the Grandma’s runners

Posted June 22, 2024

The 48th annual event in Duluth had lots of great stories:

  • Elisha Barno winning his record sixth title in 2:10:54
  • New women’s course record by Volha Mazuronak (2:23:52)
  • New Garry Bjorklund men’s and women’s course records: Tebello Ramakongoana from Lesotho in 1:00:17 (!!) and Annie Frisbie from Edina in 1:07:33
  • Superstar Megan in 4:34:32 (10:29 Minute Miles)

I can’t get over that nearly sub-hour half – that’s a 4:37 Minute Mile… πŸ˜‚

UPDATE: Ramakongoana also won the 2024 Bloomsday in Spokane πŸ’œ

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Happy Global Running Day 2024 πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈβ€βž‘οΈ

Pic posted June 5, 2024

Couldn’t quite beat the rain, but the 🌈 was nice

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🫑 2024 Kickoff to Summer

Posted May 25, 2024

Everything about the actual Milk Run was good (the threatening letters and emails about it not being a fun run this year were terrible). Free parking on Como and the early access to the event post-race was nice. Heard today sold out – they may want to add more stands next year…

Pronto Pup βœ… Fresh French Fries βœ… Sweet Martha’s βœ… Peachey’s donut βœ…

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2024 Minnesota State Fair Milk Run 5K βœ…

Pic posted May 25, 2024

Beautiful weather for a slow jog around the fairgrounds

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Get in Gear packet pick-up βœ…

Pic posted April 26, 2024

Need to double-check, but I think tomorrow is #24. Hope the forecast gets better 🌧️

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They’ve got my application πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Pic posted April 22, 2024

This is sort of like the annual Masters lottery, but what the hell, it’s still free to enter

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Charting tools for WordPress

Posted April 14, 2024

This website has included charts on several pages for quite some time: the run log, the bike log and the golf score database have all had various graphs that were created using the Easy Chart Builder plugin by dyerware. It used the original Google Chart API to create a PNG graphic from the information in a shortcode that I updated manually after each new event.

Google deprecated that API in 2012 and according to the Wikipedia page, turned it off on March 18, 2019. For some reason, however, the plugin still worked after that (most of the time). Last week, though, it didn’t work at all. When I went to the Easy Chart Builder support page, I discovered the plugin hadn’t been updated in 11 years. Time to find a replacement, eh?

Google still has a free charting tool called Google Charts and most current WordPress charting plugins use that. I didn’t want to get stuck again with Google deprecating a service in the future, though, so I started looking for alternatives. I found an awesome looking open source graphing library called Chart.js and skimmed through the documentation for that.

Turns out there is a great free plugin that uses Chart.js from Jamie Poitra called M Chart that does everything I want. Jamie has nice documentation here and I was up and running with replacement graphs on all three pages in about an hour. Still need to read up on themes, but I like the default styles and might just leave it the way it is. The Highcharts stuff is interesting – hadn’t heard of that library (or the Norwegian company) before.

M Chart also uses shortcodes, but creates a chart object for each one that is updated like a post or page. Each chart has a spreadsheet-like interface for updating data, so I’ll have to see how I like that workflow. Ideally, I’d like to have the charts update automatically when I enter events into the database, but that is beyond the scope of this plugin. I currently use phpMyAdmin to enter events, so maybe I can tackle that whenever I get around to creating custom data entry screens…

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🫑 Some big checkmarks on the To Do list

Posted April 11, 2024

  • State and federal taxes βœ…
  • Office TV installed before the Masters βœ…
  • First outdoor training run of 2024 βœ…

Upward and onward!

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🫑 Minnesota tick season PSA

Pic posted April 10, 2024

Went for my first outdoor run tonight and had a baby tick on my hand afterwards – was definitely on the nymph/larva side of the size scale

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Well, that was quick πŸ‘Ž

Pic posted April 9, 2024

runDisney 2025 sold out

Wasn’t sure I could finish a full right now, but damn

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2024 fitness planning

Posted March 28, 2024

Mentally, I’ve very much enjoyed not wearing my Apple Watch daily. Physically, I’ve fallen way behind on my general fitness when I don’t track the circles. This week I decided to do something about that.

On Monday, I met with a personal trainer at Lifetime Fitness and took a tour of the Target Center club. We talked quite a bit about my past history and what I think I want to do this year, which is basically get back in running shape and lose weight.

While I elected not to hire him now as my personal trainer, here’s my current plan:

  • Bought new running and gym shoes (and a new gym bag).
  • Started back on the nightly treadmill hill walk with hand weights while watching shows from the list on the iPad.
  • Preparing to run the Get in Gear 10K on April 27, the Milk Run 5K on May 25 and the TC 10 Mile on October 6. And if I get extra motivated, maybe the Afton 25K on July 6 too.
  • Looking forward to the bike trails drying out – want to increase that cross training this year. Might add the bike attachment to Oliver’s roof rack.
  • Planning to walk every golf round this year (like usual).
  • Thinking about getting another weight bench to go with my dumbbell set.
  • Utilize my access to Lifetime for indoor running, stair machine cardio, a return to racquetball, explore new classes and learn to be a better swimmer.

My schedule makes all of this challenging, but you need to prioritize what’s important, right?

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Track Shack Orlando

Pic posted March 24, 2024

Hey, I know that guy!

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🫑 2024 Barkley Marathons

Posted March 24, 2024

I watched that documentary on this crazy-ass race a while ago, but I’m still surprised when it pops up in my social feeds each year (at random times). This year was awesome because of 40-year-old Brit Jasmin Paris, the first woman to finish the 100 mile race (with 99 seconds to spare before the 60 hour cutoff). BBC has a nice story here.


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New Wave Riders for 2024

Pic posted March 23, 2024

Used my work gift card at Mill City to offset the cost πŸ‘

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Lutsen Fit πŸ’ͺ

Pic posted February 9, 2024

This is probably the best physical shape I’ve ever been – need to use this as motivation for 2024 plans

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Karl Meltzer: Made to Be Broken βœ…

Pic posted January 19, 2024

Quick little trail documentary after the game

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Link: Register for 2024 Get in Gear βœ…

Linked December 6, 2023

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🫑 2023 New York City Marathon

Posted November 5, 2023

Congrats to all the runners who ran the five boroughs today. And note to race directors and website operators: all anybody wants to find on your website the day of the race is results from the current year – don’t bury the link to the live results…

UPDATE: official results here

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